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A8P80A LaserJet pro mfp m521dw

HP LaserJet pro mfp m521dw (A8P80A)

MFG Part Number: A8P80A 40ppm black, Ethernet, USB 2.0, Wireless LAN

HP parts list for A8P80A HP LaserJet pro mfp m521dw

A8P79-65010 ADF Pad - ADF separation roller assembly
A8P79-65001 ADF Roller Kit - ADF roller kit assembly includes ADF feed / separation roller assembly and pad unid.
5851-7005 Cable - Assy-USB A F Panel Mount To WTB 335mm
A8P79-60101 Cable - Interconnect board (ICB) to formatter power cable
A8P79-60102 Cable - USB cable assembly - Mountst on the control panel assembly
A8P79-60105 Cable - Flat flaxeible fax cable
A8P79-60106 Cable - Control-panel flat flexible cable - Connects the control panel with the formatter PC board
A8P79-60128 Cable - Flat flexible video cable - Connects the interconnect board ICB to formatter
CF368-60001 Cable - Universal Serial Bus (USB) PCA - For use with LaserJet 400 M401dn/M401dw models only
RK2-4218-000CN Cable - Cable, Flat
RK2-7004-000CN Cable - Cable-Flat
A8P79-60115 Control Panel - Control panel assembly - Display located on top of the printer
9170-2640 Core - Ferrite core
A8P80-65010 Cover - Tray 1 cover kit - Includes name plate & HP logo
RC2-7673-000CN Cover - Rear right cover - Plastic rectangular shape cover that protects the rear right part of the printer
RC3-1863-010CN Cover - Formatter cover - Plastic cover that protects the formatter PC board
RC3-1920-000CN Cover - Dummy cover for HP CF116A
RM1-8498-000CN Cover - Right cover assembly - Plastic cover that protects the right side of the printer
RM1-8516-000CN Cover - Top cover assembly - Plastic cover that holds paper after it has been printed
RM1-8517-000CN Cover - Left cover assembly - Plastic cover that protects the left side of the printer
RM1-8518-000CN Cover - Rear access door cover assembly - Plastic cover that protects the rear side of the printer - Provides access if a paper jams
A8P79-65014 Document Feeder - ADF Whole Unit Kit / Automatic Document Feeder HP Pro MFP Printer
A8P79-65014-MP Document Feeder - 5pkADF Whole Unit Kit total of 5units. ADF Whole Unit Kit / Automatic Document Feeder HP Pro MFP Printer.
RM1-8502-000CN Door - Cartridge door assembly - Provides access to the cartridges
RK2-1499-000CN Fan - Cooling fan (FM2) - Located on the left side of the printer - Small fan that cools the fuser assembly and print cartridge area
RK2-2416-000CN Fan - Low voltage power supply fan (FM1)
RK2-2416-010CN Fan - Fan
RM1-8508-000CN Fuser Assembly - Fusing assembly for Laserjet series.
RM1-8508-010CN Fuser Assembly - Fuser assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat
RM1-6263-000CN Guide - Lower paper feed guide assembly - Includes position guide assembly - Use for duplex models only
RM1-6270-000CN Guide - Paper feed guide assembly
RM1-6270-020CN Guide - Paper Feed Guide Assy
RM1-6273-000CN Guide - Position guide assembly - Use for duplex models only
RM1-6315-000CN Guide - Transfer lower guide assembly
RC2-7675-000CN Handle - Right handle - Used to hold printer when transporting
A8P79-60011 Hinge - Right ADF hinge assembly
A8P79-60014 Hinge - ADF Hinge (Right/Homer special)Pro M425 / M570 / M521 / M476 series. ( left CZ271-60023).
CZ271-60020 Hinge - ADF Hinge for HP LaserJet PRO400 M425DN MFP M425DW MFP ADF Hinge assembly MFP Color LaserJet Pro Series (sold individual).
CZ271-60023 Hinge - ADF Hinge (Left/same as Epic) Pro M425 / M570 / M521 / M476 series. One hinge included only.
RM1-6303-000CN Holder - Separation pad holder assembly - For the 500-sheet paper input tray 3 and tray 4
RM1-8521-000CN Holder - Tag holder assembly
RU6-0945-000CN HP Parts - Gear-201t
RU6-0946-000CN HP Parts - Gear-58t/17t
RU6-0947-000CN HP Parts - Gear-18t
CF116-69002 Kit - 110V/220V Universal Fuser PM Kit
CF116-69003 Kit - 110V/220V Universal Fuser Kit
RM1-6322-000CN Laser Scanner - Laser/scanner assembly - Mounts on top of the print structure frame
CF116-67903 Maintenance Kit - Service maintenance kit - For 110VAC and 220VAC - Includes fusing assembly, transfer roller, tray 1 separation pad, tray 2 roller and tray 2 separation pad
RM2-3829-000CN Maintenance Kit - Kit-110V/220V Universal PM Service
1150-7957 Module - WiFi module - Umber Wireless Module For HP M274 M277 M402 M403 M426 M427 M252 M177FW M127FW M28FW M521
RM1-6520-000CN Motor - Assy-Main Motor
RM1-8523-000CN Motor - Fuser motor (M8002) assembly
CF288-60021 Pad - Separation Pad Assembly, Assy-Separator Pad.
RC2-8575-000CN Pad - Multi-purpose/tray 1 separation pad - Does not include holder
A8P79-60002 PC Board - Interconnect board (ICB) assembly
A8P79-60003 PC Board - Formatter (main logic) PC board assembly - For China only
A8P80-60001 PC Board - Formatter (main logic) PC board assembly
CE711-60001 PC Board - PCA-Fax Card US
CE712-60001 PC Board - PCA-Fax Brazil
CF206-60001 PC Board - Fax PC board assembly (US only)
CF206-67018 PC Board - FAX CARD-WW EXCPT EURO Rohs2.04
CF207-60001 PC Board - Fax PC baord assembly (Europe only)
CF208-60001 PC Board - Fax PC baord assembly (Brazil only)
RM1-8519-000CN PC Board - High voltage Power supply PC Board assembly
RM1-8615-000CN PC Board - Dc Controller Pcb Assy R1.10
RM1-8615-010CN PC Board - DC Controller PCB Assy BA
RM1-8615-020CN PC Board - Dc Controller Pcb Assy R1.10
RM1-8617-000CN PC Board - Top sensor (PS215) PC Board assembly. HP 500Mfp M525 RM1-8617 Top Sensor (PS215) PC Board Assembly
RM1-8618-000CN PC Board - Paper width sensor (PS225) PC Board assembly
RM1-8620-000CN PC Board - Tray detection sensor (SW235) PC Board assembly
RM1-8621-000CN PC Board - Multi-purpose/Tray 1 sensor (PS205) PC Board assembly
RM1-8622-000CN PC Board - Environmental sensor PC Board assembly
RM2-8677-000CN PC Board - Low voltage power supply PC board assembly - For 220 VAC use only;Click to order the functional equivalent: RM1-8514-010CN
RM1-8505-000CN Pickup Assembly - Paper pick-up assembly - For Tray 2
RM1-8505-010CN Pickup Assembly - Tray 2 PAPER PICK-UP ASSY
RM1-8505-020CN Pickup Assembly - Assy-Tray 2 Paper Pick Up
RM1-6306-000CN Plate - Base plate - For the roller assembly
RM1-6325-000CN Plate - Multi-purpose/Tray 1 lifting plate assembly
8121-0564 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 2.0m (6.6ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 240V in India)
8121-0729 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220V in Argentina)
8121-0731 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (75in) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220V in Europe)Limited supply only.
8121-0733 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220VAC in Denmark)
8121-0734 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 2.3m (7.5ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220V in Brazil and Thailand)
8121-0735 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220V in Chile)
8121-0737 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 240VAC in India and South Africa)
8121-0738 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220VAC in Switzerland)
8121-0739 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 240V in Singapore, Hong Kong and the U.K.)
8121-0740 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 3-wire, 18 AWG, 1.9m (75in) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (for 120V in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Taiwan)
8121-0943 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220V in China)
8121-0964 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 16 AWG (1.25, 1.9m (6.2ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (for 120V in USA, Canada, Latin America, Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand)
8121-1004 Power Cord - Power cord (Flint Gray) - Three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220VAC in Israel)
8121-1071 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - Three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 127VAC in Brazil)
RM1-8514-000CN Power Supply - Universal Low Voltage Power Supply Assy
RM1-8514-010CN Power Supply - Universal Low Voltage Power Supply Assy
RM1-8514-020CN Power Supply - Universal Low Voltage Power Supply Assy
A8P80A-Repair_LaserJet Repair Service - Ship your product to us for a small diagnostic fee; and a professional service job. We will contact you with repair total and your diagnostic fee will be waived if unit is repaired. Service warranty is 30days labor and 90days for parts. Extended warranty option is available.
CF288-60015 Roller - Assy-Pick Roller, Doc Feeder Pickup Roller.
RL1-2412-000CN Roller - Multi-purpose/tray 1 pick-up roller
RM1-6301-000CN Roller - Paper delivery roller assembly
RM1-6311-000CN Roller - Face down top output bin delivery roller assembly - Includes all rollers and shaft in assembly
RM1-6323-000CN Roller - Pick-Up Roller Assembly Pickup Roller Assembly Tray 2/3 - LaserJet P3005 P3015
RM1-8506-000CN Roller - Idler Roller assembly
RM1-8507-000CN Roller - Registration Roller assembly
WG8-5935-000CN Sensor - Fuser Output sensor (SR5)
RM1-6559-000CN Service Kit - Pendulum Service Kit
A8P80A-Manual_Laser Service Manual - Printer Service Manual - Includes troubleshooting, error messages, paper jams, parts and parts diagrams.
A8P79-40006 Service Parts - WiFi module plastic holder
A8P79-40016 Service Parts - Control Panel Sub cover for CP FFC
A8P79-60111 Service Parts - Scanner/ADF Assembly (DW)
A8P79-60141 Service Parts - Assy-Scanner/ADF WiFi
A8P79-65015 Service Parts - Scanner Whole Unit Kit
A8P80-60101 Service Parts - Assy-Cable Wifi Homer
CE710-60001 Service Parts - PCA-Fax US
RM1-6323-000MP Service Parts - MultiPack Qty 20 CST. PICK-UP ROLLER ASS
RK2-1490-000CN Solenoid - Solenoid (SL1) - For tray 1 - Mounts on the main drive assembly.
RK2-1492-000CN Solenoid - Solenoid (SL2) - For tray 2 - Mounts on the main drive assembly
RC2-7928-000CN Stop - Bushing arm stopper
RM1-8499-000CN Switch - Cartridge door switch (SW501) assembly for HP 500MFP/M525 and similar units; Interlock Switch assembly.
RM1-8515-000CN Switch - Switch assembly
RM1-6321-000CN Transfer Assembly - Transfer roller assembly - Long black spongy roller that transfers static charge to paper
RM1-8512-000CN Tray - 500-sheet paper Tray 2 Cassette P3015/M521/M525 Series 500-Sheet Paper Tray
RM1-8512-010CN Tray - Cassette-Feeder Assy P3015/M521/M525 Series 500-Sheet Paper Tray
CE530-69001 Tray Assembly - 500-sheet feeder Tray assembly - For use as Tray 3 or Tray 4 - Includes Tray Cassette
CE530-69002 Tray Assembly - Assembly-Optional 500 Sheet Feeder
RM1-6279-000CN Tray Assembly - 500-sheet paper input tray 2 cassette assembly
RM1-6279-010CN Tray Assembly - Cassette

LaserJet pro mfp m521dw parts list
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