HP parts list for C3541A HP DeskJet 1600CM Printer
C1676-00090Absorber - Service station absorber - Available for trade sales in Europe and Asia/Pacific - Available for authorized service centers only in USA
C1676-40175Absorber - Sled filter - Available for trade sales in Europe and Asia/Pacific - Available for authorized service centers only in USA
C1676-40209Absorber - Base absorber - Available for trade sales in Europe and Asia/Pacific - Available for authorized service centers only in USA
C3541A-AbsorberAbsorber - Ink service station (ISS) bottom absorber foam - absorbs ink during the cleaning process. Service station absorber (sponge) - soaks up used ink during cartridge cleaning. Works as sled filters.
C3541A-AC_AdapterAC Adapter - Power supply module or adapter - one end for connecting to the printer and other end to the power cord, or your ac adapter may have the pwr cord attached.
C3541A-ActuatorActuator - Actuating unit. this part usually causes the carriage assembly to stalls on the left side of the printer, verify that the clutch actuator arm (slider arm).
C1676-40256Belt - Carriage belt for HP DeskJet 1200C Series
C3540-40063Belt - Carriage belt for HP DeskJet 1600C Series
C3541A-Belt_CarriageBelt Carriage - Carriage belt - moves the carriage assembly across the carriage rod
C3541A-Belt_PaperBelt Paper - Paper drive belt (usually a small belt) - this belt attaches to a gear which is driven by the paper drive motor assembly.
C3541A-BezelBezel - Front panel overlay (bezel) - (english) control panel bezel - frame around display and control panel
C3541A-Bracket_LeftBracket Left - Left bracket - carriage rod adjustment bracket (left)
C3541A-Bracket_RightBracket Right - Right bracket - carriage rod adjustment bracket (right)
C3541A-Bracket_TensionBracket Tension - Belt tension bracket - holds the carriage belt idler pulley
C3541A-Carriage_AssyCarriage Assembly - Ink cartridge carriage assembly - includes carriage, felt, felt retainers, ink cartridge latches, trailing cable, pc board, belt attachment hardware, and slider.
C3541A-Carriage_BaseCarriage Base - Carriage base or pre-loader assembly - mounted to bottom of carriage base
C3541A-Carriage_BeltCarriage Belt - Carriage drive belt, this belt is attached to the carriage and carriage motor, it moves the carriage side to side while priting.
C3541A-Carriage_CableCarriage Cable - Flex circuit cable which connects the head driver board to the carriage assembly. in some units it is also known as the trailing cable, this cable moves along with the carriage unit (side to side).
C3541A-Carriage_LatchCarriage Latch - A-arm latch - retains latch over the printheads on the carriage
C3541A-Carriage_Latch_CVRCarriage Latch Cover - The carriage latch is used to keep the cartridge(s) in place. this latch(s) hold the cartridge(s) in place while carriage is printing or idle.
C3541A-Carriage_MotorCarriage Motor - Carriage motor moves the carriage unit side to side. the carriage belt goes arround this motor, which controls carriage movement.
C3541A-Carriage_OnlyCarriage Only - Carriage only - includes carriage, felt, felt retainers, ink cartridge latches - does not include trailing cable, pc board, belt attachment hardware, or slider (for complete carriage unit, please see carriage assembly).
C3541A-Carriage_PC_BRDCarriage PC Board - This pc board attaches on the carriage, it is usually a small pc board that has carrage cable attached to it.
C3540-60036Cover - Rear cover assembly - Includes rear door assembly
C3540-60038Cover - Front top cover - Allows attachment of cartridge access door - Does not include labels
C3541A-Cover_BackCover Back - Back cover of printer, it is usually removed to clear paper jams.
C3541A-Cover_CartridgeCover Cartridge - This is the cover/ door that is opened to remove the cartridge(s) - usually, when this door opens the carriage moves.
C3541A-Cover_MainCover Main - This is the main cover of the printer. it is the biggest piece of plastic the printer is made off.
C1676-60168Deflector - Paper deflector - Black, curved, ribbed plastic piece with a green pull ring (Called a 'Media plug' in the users manual)
C3541A-DeflectorDeflector - Paper deflector - guides paper out of dispose assembly - through the internal paper path cover. paper deflector - directs paper from the media chassis to the print section of the printer chassis assembly
C3541A-DisplayDisplay - Status led display (LCD display assembly).
C3540-40009Door - Front door - Access door to carriage assembly
C3540-60070Door - Rear door assembly - Drop down rear door with curved inner cover and paper width adjuster
C3541A-Door_CarriageDoor Carriage - Main front access door - covers the top of the printer and provide access to the carriage when open.
C3541A-Door_CartridgeDoor Cartridge - Small front access door (drop down door) - for accessing print cartridge window - for print cartridge access door.
C3541A-Door_RearDoor Rear - Rear cleanout door assembly - rear paper jam clean out door assembly.
C1676-20014Encoder - Encoder strip (clear strip with position marks) - Used by the sensor in the carriage assembly to determine position
C3541A-EncoderEncoder - Encoder spring - provides tension for encoder strip
C3541A-Encoder_DiskEncoder Disk - Disk encoder - helps to provide position information of the paper
C3541A-Encoder_StripEncoder Strip - Encoder strip - carriage position sensor reference
C3541A-Extender_InputExtender Input - Tray extension assembly (stopper) - tray with a paper stop on the input tray - extends to accomodate different media lenths
C3541A-Feed_RollersFeed Rollers - Feed roller assembly - includes frame asembly, shaft with rollers, and encoder disk
C3828AFilm - Film (Transparency) 8.5 x 11 5mil thick. for OfficeJet R65 Series PhotoSmart P1000 PhotoSmart P1100 OfficeJet G55 Series Transparency Film 200 SHEETS.
C3832AFilm - Premium InkJet transparency film - A4 size (21.0cm x 29.7cm) - 20 sheets per package
C3834AFilm - Film (Transparency) for DeskJet 1600 Series, DeskJet 2000 Series, DeskJet 800 Series, DeskJet 600 Series
C3835AFilm - Film (Transparency) for DeskJet 1200 Series, DeskJet 500 Series, DeskJet 550C Series, DeskJet 850 Series
C3835SFilm - HP Premium Trans Film 250 Sht Value Pack
C3836AFilm - Premium High-Gloss Film - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - 50 sheets
C3837AFilm - Film (Glossy) for DeskJet 1600 Series, OfficeJet 700 Series, DeskJet 895, DeskJet 895 Series
C6051AFilm - Film (Transparency) for DeskJet 1200 Series, DeskJet 500 Series, DeskJet 550C Series, DeskJet 850 Series
C6053AFilm - Film (Transparency) for Color InkJet cp1700 Series, DeskJet 1180 Series, DeskJet 9300 Series, DeskJet 1280 Series
C1676-00028Filter - Air filter - Installed in the rear of the right chassis assembly - Available for trade sales in Europe and Asia Pacific - Available for authorized service centers only in USA
C3541A-Gear_AssyGear Assembly - ADF gear assembly driven by ADF main motor
C3541A-Gear_ClusterGear Cluster - Cluster gear, large gear on service station
C3541A-Gear_DoubleGear Double - Transfer gear - has double gear attached on service station
C3541A-Gear_MainGear Main - Paper pickup drive assembly - gear assembly located on right side of paper pickup assembly. gear moves the main paper pick up roller.
C3541A-Guide_PaperGuide Paper - Upper paper guide - spring loaded flat plate that presses the media against the top of the feed roller assembly - caution: this part can easily be broken
0515-2296Hardware - Knurled head machine thumbscrew - M3.0 x 0.5, 7mm long, Torx T15 recess with slot - Steel, zinc/bake clear chromate finish
C3540-00065Hardware - Left shim (metal) - On left side of heater grill
C3541A-Motor_CarriageMotor Carriage - Carriage motor - motor that drives the carriage assembly
C3541A-MTR_Srvce_StationMotor Service Station - Service station stepper motor (does not include cable) - moves the rack vertically in the service station assembly
C3540-00018NamePlate - Nameplate - C3540A DeskJet 1600C printer logo
C3541A-PC_BRDPC Board - Ink cartridge carriage assembly pc board - includes carriage pc board only
J2550-69013PC Board - EtherTwist 10Base-T LAN interface board
J2555-69013PC Board - JetDirect Card Token RingToken ring LAN interface board - DB-9 and RJ-45 connectors
J4100-69001PC Board - JetDirect 400N modular input/output (MIO) internal print server - Provides 10/100Base-TX or 10Base-2 network connection using RJ45 or BNC connectors
C3541A-PC_BRD_DCPC Board DC - Internal power supply board - power cable plugs on this assembly, remove covers to install pc board.
C3541A-PC_BRD_InterfacePC Board Interface - Internal print server lan interface board - plugs into peripheral eio. usefull for networking and multiple users.
J2550BPC Board Interface - EtherTwist (10Base-T) LAN interface board, JetDirect card has one 10 Mbps RJ45 Ethernet connector.
J2552BPC Board Interface - LAN and LocalTalk interface - Has EtherTwist (10Base-T) , ThinLAN (10Base-2) , and LocalTalk (DIN-8) connectors
J2555BPC Board Interface - JetDirect Card Token RingToken ring LAN interface board - DB-9 and RJ-45 connectors
C3541A-PinchwheelPinchwheel - Pinch assembly kit - includes all required pinch wheels, pinchwheel mounts and springs
C1676-60012Platen - Platen assembly - Plate that lifts paper to the pickup roller assembly - Available for trade sales in Europe and Asia/Pacific - For authorized service centers only in USA
C3541-60103PostScript - Adobe's PostScript (level two) upgrade SIMM - Includes SIMM module ONLY - NO driver disks or instructions
C3542APostScript - Adobe's PostScript (Level 2) upgrade kit - Includes SIMM module, Windows/Mac drivers, and instructions
8120-1351Power Cord - Power cord (Mint Gray) - 17 AWG, 2.3m (7.5ft) long - Has straight (F) receptacle (for 240V in the UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei)
8120-1369Power Cord - Power cord (Mint Gray) - 17 AWG, 2.0m (6.6ft) long - Has straight (F) receptacle (for 240V in Australia, New Zealand, and China)
8120-1378Power Cord - Power cord (Jade Gray) - 18 AWG, 2.3m (7.5ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (for 120V in USA, Canada, Latin America, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Spain, Brazil, and Vietnam)
8120-1689Power Cord - Power cord (Mint Gray) - 17 AWG, 2.0m (6.6ft) long - Has straight (F) receptacle (for 220V in Europe, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam)
8120-2104Power Cord - Power cord (Mint Gray) - 2.0m (6.6ft) long - Has straight (F) receptacle (for 220V in Switzerland)
8120-2956Power Cord - Power cord (Mint Gray) - 2.0m (6.6ft) long - Has straight (F) receptacle (for 220V in Denmark)
8120-4211Power Cord - Power cord (Mint Gray) - 17 AWG, 2.0m (6.6ft) long - Has straight (F) receptacle (for 240V in South Africa and India)
C3541A-Power_CordPower Cord - Power module power cord- wall outlet cable to power module only. does not include power module.
C3541A-Power_MDLEPower Module - World wide power module - includes power module and power module to printer cord - does not include outlet to power module cord
C3541A-Power_MDLE_AssyPower Module Assy - World wide power module - includes power module and power module to printer cord - also, include outlet to power module cord
0950-2600Power Supply - Internal switching power supply assembly (Samsung PSLD151301A) - 160 watts, Three DC outputs (5.1V, 16V, 35V) - Single stage, auto ranging, flyback converter
C3541A-Power_SupplyPower Supply - Power supply board (internal pwr supply unit in the office machine).
C3541A-Print_MchnsmPrint Mechanism - Print mechanism assembly - complete mechanism with carriage movement, paper picking and service station - does not include covers, printer base, print heads, ink cartridges, or any consumables.
J4100-61001Print Server - JetDirect 400N modular input/output (MIO) internal print server - Provides 10/100Base-TX or 10Base-2 network connection using RJ45 or BNC connectors
J4169-61001Print Server - JetDirect 610N Internal Print Server (10Base-T and 100Base-TX) LAN Interface Board - Has one RJ-45 connector
C3541A-PulleyPulley - Paper pick up tray motor pulley.
5183-5268Recovery Kit - Recovery Kit for DeskJet 1200 Series, DeskJet 850 Series, DeskJet 1000 Series, DeskJet 1100 Series
5184-2833Recovery Kit - Return kit - For returning defective Thermal InkJet (TIJ) 2.5 cartridges - Includes box and instructions
C3541A-Repair_InkJetRepair Service - Ship your product to us for a small diagnostic fee; and a professional service job. We will contact you with repair total and your diagnostic fee will be waived if unit is repaired. Service warranty is 30days labor and 90days for parts. Extended warranty option is available.
C3541A-Roller_PickupRoller Pickup - Pick up roller assembly for paper bottom tray. Lower feed roller assembly - for lower paper input tray HP Envy Main Tray Paper Pick Up Roller 5540 5640 7155 7640 7645 Officejet 5740
C3541A-SeparatorSeparator - Pad separator - assembled from plastic and rubber components; to help in separating sheet of media during printing from bottom trays.
C3541A-GuideService Guide - Printer Reference Guide (not a service manual) - Contains information such as product information, operation overview, paper behavior, maintenance, ink safety, and removal / replacement of parts. This is not a service manual for technical repair.
0460-2276Service Parts - Antistatic Ta Replaces 0460-0034 Dj1200
C3541A-SLED_AssySLED Assembly - Sled assembly - white plastic piece with spring, wipers and boot (assembly that the ink cartridge parks on) - mounts on top of the service station assembly
C3541A-SliderSlider - Carriage base slider - plastic piece on the front end of the carriage that allows the carriage to slide side to side.
C3541A-SpeakerSpeaker - Speaker assembly - includes speaker cable.
C3541A-SpittonSpitton - Spittoon base - the bottom and main housing of the service station assembly - holds any residual ink from the print cartridge cleaning process
C1676-80005Spring - Spring assembly - Mounts on left end of encoder strip