HP parts list for CQ750A HP DeskJet 2060 K110a Inkjet printer
CQ750A-AbsorberAbsorber - Ink service station (ISS) bottom absorber foam - absorbs ink during the cleaning process. Service station absorber (sponge) - soaks up used ink during cartridge cleaning. Works as sled filters.
CQ750A-AC_AdapterAC Adapter - Power supply module or adapter - one end for connecting to the printer and other end to the power cord, or your ac adapter may have the pwr cord attached.
CB760-80010Accessory - Encoder strip for HP CR232A
CQ750A-ActuatorActuator - Actuating unit. this part usually causes the carriage assembly to stalls on the left side of the printer, verify that the clutch actuator arm (slider arm).
CQ750A-ADF_ArmADF Arm - Senses paper in the ADF area tray / feeder tray. this is a front flapper arm - part of the paper separation mechanism for the paper pickup assembly - mounts just in front of the front separation belts in the ADF assembly.
CQ750A-ADF_Feed_AssyADF Feed Assembly - ADF assembly - does not include ADF input tray. ADF assembly includes the complete ADF assembly (motor, gears, rollers, sensor, does not include the ADF pad or plastic flatbed cover. (for entire unit please see ADF unit assembly).
CQ750A-ADF_Input_TrayAdf Input Tray - ADF tray ( for automatic document feeder) this is where papers are placed for feeding into unit.
CQ750A-ADF_MotorADF Motor - ADF motor - the scanner ADF motor is located on left rear corner of ADF drive, location varies from each unit. however, this is the main motor on the ADF unit.
CQ750A-ADF_Output_TrayADF Out Put Tray - ADF out put tray is where paper come out of ADF (automatic document feeder). For this unit we will ship the entire ADF Assembly.
CQ750A-ADF_PadADF Pad - ADF paper seperation pad assembly - mounts in the center of the ADF separation pad frame assembly. this pad prevents from multiple feeding or preventing paper jams while faxing scanning or copying.
CQ750A-ADF_Roller_KitADF Roller Kit - ADF upper pick roller replacement kit. these are the rollers that feed paper into the feeder to be scan copy or faxed.
CQ750A-ADF_ScannerADF Scanner - ADF scanner (optical) assembly - includes the chassis assembly scanner lens assembly (includes the charge coupled device (ccd)) the scanning lamp ADF analog processor board and ADF inverter board - this is the lower assembly that scans copies documents.
CQ750A-ADF_Sensor_BRDADF Sensor Board - ADF sensor pc board assembly - narrow strip pc board with the two document skew sensors, registration sensor, and timing sensor - mounts on top of the registration guide assembly in the ADF main assembly
CQ750A-ADF_Unit_AssyADF Unit Assembly - Complete replacement assembly unit for Officejet Copier top assembly only. This includes the ADF (automatic document feeder) for this unit.
CQ750A-Arm_DeliveryArm Delivery - Paper sensing arm - for 'paper out' or delivering paper sensing arm
CQ750A-Belt_ADFBelt ADF - Transport belt motor - provides the drive to transport paper through the ADF unit. this belt goes in the ADF assembly drive unit
CQ750A-Belt_CarriageBelt Carriage - Carriage belt - moves the carriage assembly across the carriage rod
CQ750A-Belt_DuplexBelt Duplex - Duplex timing belt - small belt that goes on the duplexer unit
CQ750A-Belt_PaperBelt Paper - Paper drive belt (usually a small belt) - this belt attaches to a gear which is driven by the paper drive motor assembly.
CQ750A-Belt_ScannerBelt Scanner - Scanner assembly belt. belt moves the scanner while copying or scanning documents.
CQ750A-BezelBezel - Front panel overlay (bezel) - (english) control panel bezel - frame around display and control panel
CQ750A-Bracket_LeftBracket Left - Left bracket - carriage rod adjustment bracket (left)
CQ750A-Bracket_RightBracket Right - Right bracket - carriage rod adjustment bracket (right)
CQ750A-Bracket_TensionBracket Tension - Belt tension bracket - holds the carriage belt idler pulley
8121-0868Cable - Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface cable (Black) - Type 'A' connector to type 'B' connector - 1.83m (6.0ft) long
8121-1585Cable - Cable Assy Usb A-B 1.5-M-Lg Black Cable Premium USB A-B Printer Cable Cord For HP printers and other manufacturers.
CQ750A-Cable_CarriageCable Carriage - Cable assembly which connects the main logic board to the carriage motor
CQ750A-Cable_InterfaceCable Interface - Parallel cable - connects from your printer to computer via your parallel port.
CQ750A-Cable_MchnsmCable Mechanism - Cable assembly which connects the main logic board to the print mechanism
CQ750A-Cable_PanelCable Panel - Cable Panel assembly - includes ribbon cable this is the cable that connects to the control panel or display.
CQ750A-Cable_USBCable USB - This interface cable is the standard 2.0 usb cable that connects to your printer and computer for printing.
CQ750A-CamCam - Drawer cam - short, spring loaded lever attached to the paper tray frame - used to draw input tray into position
CQ750A-Cap_LifterCap Lifter - These lifter caps hold the pressure plate lifter and the kicker spring in place.
UG604ACare Pack - HP 2 year Care Pack w/Next Day Exchange for Printers
UG604ECare Pack - HP 2 year Care Pack w/Next Day Exchange for Printers
UG607ACare Pack - HP 3 year Care Pack w/Next Day Exchange for Printers
UG607ECare Pack - HP 3 year Care Pack w/Next Day Exchange for Printers
UH608ECare Pack - HP 4 year Care Pack w/Next Day Exchange for Printers
UQ206ECare Pack - HP 2 Year Care Pack w/Next Bus Day Exchange and Enhanced Tech Phone support - OfficeJet Printers
US284ECare Pack - HP Basic Installation Service for one consumer printer with wireless capability
US285ECare Pack - HP Premium Installation Service with wireless network setup for up to three PCs and/or printers
CQ750A-Carriage_AssyCarriage Assembly - Ink cartridge carriage assembly - includes carriage, felt, felt retainers, ink cartridge latches, trailing cable, pc board, belt attachment hardware, and slider.
CQ750A-Carriage_BaseCarriage Base - Carriage base or pre-loader assembly - mounted to bottom of carriage base
CQ750A-Carriage_BeltCarriage Belt - Carriage drive belt, this belt is attached to the carriage and carriage motor, it moves the carriage side to side while priting.
CQ750A-Carriage_CableCarriage Cable - Flex circuit cable which connects the head driver board to the carriage assembly. in some units it is also known as the trailing cable, this cable moves along with the carriage unit (side to side).
CQ750A-Carriage_LatchCarriage Latch - A-arm latch - retains latch over the printheads on the carriage
CQ750A-Carriage_Latch_CVRCarriage Latch Cover - The carriage latch is used to keep the cartridge(s) in place. this latch(s) hold the cartridge(s) in place while carriage is printing or idle.
CQ750A-Carriage_MotorCarriage Motor - Carriage motor moves the carriage unit side to side. the carriage belt goes arround this motor, which controls carriage movement.
CQ750A-Carriage_OnlyCarriage Only - Carriage only - includes carriage, felt, felt retainers, ink cartridge latches - does not include trailing cable, pc board, belt attachment hardware, or slider (for complete carriage unit, please see carriage assembly).
CQ750A-Carriage_PC_BRDCarriage PC Board - This pc board attaches on the carriage, it is usually a small pc board that has carrage cable attached to it.
CQ750-69001Cartridge - Deskjet Ink Advantage 2060 - AP New Unit
CQ750-69002Cartridge - Deskjet Ink Advantage 2060 - AP New Unit - China
CQ750-69003Cartridge - Deskjet Ink Advantage 2060 - EMEA Exchange Unit
CQ750A-ChassisChassis - Chassis assembly - the large plastic item that forms the base of the print mechanism
CQ750A-Clutch_ADFClutch ADF - ADF paper clutch unit. clutch that controls movement on the ADF feeder
CQ750A-Clutch_FeedClutch Feed - Clutch unit resposible for unit picking up paper from the pick up unit.
CQ750A-Control_PanelControl Panel - Control panel assembly - control buttons and display on top front of the unit.
CQ750A-Cover_BackCover Back - Back cover of printer, it is usually removed to clear paper jams.
CQ750A-Cover_CartridgeCover Cartridge - This is the cover/ door that is opened to remove the cartridge(s) - usually, when this door opens the carriage moves.
CQ750A-Cover_MainCover Main - This is the main cover of the printer. it is the biggest piece of plastic the printer is made off.
CQ750A-DeflectorDeflector - Paper deflector - guides paper out of dispose assembly - through the internal paper path cover. paper deflector - directs paper from the media chassis to the print section of the printer chassis assembly
CQ750A-DisplayDisplay - Status led display (LCD display assembly).
CQ750A-Door_CarriageDoor Carriage - Main front access door - covers the top of the printer and provide access to the carriage when open.
CQ750A-Door_CartridgeDoor Cartridge - Small front access door (drop down door) - for accessing print cartridge window - for print cartridge access door.
CQ750A-Door_RearDoor Rear - Rear cleanout door assembly - rear paper jam clean out door assembly.
CQ750A-Drive_AssyDrive Assembly - Paper drive roller kit - includes roller assembly, bushings, gear on roller, transmission gear kit, encoder disc, end thrust (axial) spring.
CQ750A-Drive_Assy_ADFDrive Assy ADF - Media chassis assembly (paper drive) - moves paper from ADF assembly to scanner assembly - includes media chassis, rollers, gears, flag, sensor, deflector, cable, springs
CQ750A-EncoderEncoder - Encoder spring - provides tension for encoder strip
CQ750A-Encoder_DiskEncoder Disk - Disk encoder - helps to provide position information of the paper
CQ750A-Encoder_StripEncoder Strip - Encoder strip - carriage position sensor reference
CQ750A-Extender_ADFExtender ADF - Paper extension for the automatic document feeder (ADF) input tray
CQ750A-Extender_InputExtender Input - Tray extension assembly (stopper) - tray with a paper stop on the input tray - extends to accomodate different media lenths
CQ750A-Feed_RollersFeed Rollers - Feed roller assembly - includes frame asembly, shaft with rollers, and encoder disk
CQ750A-Feed_Rollers_ADFFeed Rollers ADF - ADF feed roller kit - includes all rollers that feed paper through the feeder.
C3828AFilm - Film (Transparency) 8.5 x 11 5mil thick. for OfficeJet R65 Series PhotoSmart P1000 PhotoSmart P1100 OfficeJet G55 Series Transparency Film 200 SHEETS.
C3834AFilm - Film (Transparency) for DeskJet 1600 Series, DeskJet 2000 Series, DeskJet 800 Series, DeskJet 600 Series
C3836AFilm - Premium High-Gloss Film - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - 50 sheets
C3836ACFilm - Film (Glossy) for DeskJet D23XX Series, DeskJet D41XX Series, DeskJet 1200 Series, DeskJet 1220 Series
C3837AFilm - Film (Glossy) for DeskJet 1600 Series, OfficeJet 700 Series, DeskJet 895, DeskJet 895 Series
CQ750A-Flag_ADFFlag ADF - Photo-sensor assembly - includes the sensor and mounting bracket - paper pickup roller home position sensor - activated by the sensor flag on the pickup roller assembly - mounths on the front frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
CM750-60084Formatter - MPCA(Logic PCA) HP Officejet Pro 8600 Plus E-AIO Printer.
CQ750A-FormatterFormatter - Formatter board assembly, this board communicates with your computer device and has MAC port connector.
CQ750A-Front_PanelFront Panel - Front panel assembly - includes lcd and actuator buttons
CQ750A-Gear_AssyGear Assembly - ADF gear assembly driven by ADF main motor
CQ750A-Gear_ClusterGear Cluster - Cluster gear, large gear on service station
CQ750A-Gear_DoubleGear Double - Transfer gear - has double gear attached on service station
CQ750A-Gear_MainGear Main - Paper pickup drive assembly - gear assembly located on right side of paper pickup assembly. gear moves the main paper pick up roller.
CQ750A-Guide_PaperGuide Paper - Upper paper guide - spring loaded flat plate that presses the media against the top of the feed roller assembly - caution: this part can easily be broken
CQ750A-Hinge_CvrHinge - Single cover end M-Hinge Hinge is for top cover supporting opening and closing of the cover. Most covers use 2 hinges this price includes 1pc Hinge.
CQ750A-HolderHolder - Ink cartridge holder - located on carriage unit, holder secures ink cartridge in place.
CQ750A-IdlerIdler - Scanner belt idler assembly - maintains scannter belt tension.
CQ750A-Ink_DLVRYInk Delivery System - RIDS assembly - replaceable ink delivery system - transports ink from ink supply station to carriage assembly
C6049AIron On Transfers - Iron-On Transfers for DeskJet 2500C Series, HP DeskJet D1400 Printer Series, DeskJet D24XX Series, DeskJet F4180 Series
C6065AIron On Transfers - Iron-On Transfers for DeskJet 6620 Series, OfficeJet V40 Series, PSC 2100 Series All in One, DeskJet 640 Series
Q7901ALabel - White address labels - 1/2 inch x 1-3/4 inches - 15 sheets per package
CQ750A-Lid_Cover_AssyLid Cover Assy - Top glass copier cover. Lid that pressed document onto the glass for copying or scanning document.
CQ750A-Motor_ADFMotor ADF - ADF motor unit - drives ADF rollers on the feeder assembly
CQ750A-Motor_CarriageMotor Carriage - Carriage motor - motor that drives the carriage assembly
CQ750A-Motor_ScannerMotor Scanner - Scanner unit motor - drives the scanner unit to scan documents to be copied, fax, or scanned.
CQ750A-MTR_Srvce_StationMotor Service Station - Service station stepper motor (does not include cable) - moves the rack vertically in the service station assembly
CQ750A-OverlayOverlay - Overlay unit which covers the control button or display (english overlay only), control panel or display sold seperately.
CQ750A-Pad_ADFPad ADF - Pad separator - (located on ADF unit) assembled from plastic and rubber components; to help in separating sheet of media during faxing, scanning, or copying.
CQ750A-Pad_TrayPad Tray - Pad separator - (located on tray) assembled from plastic and rubber components; to help in separating sheet of media during printing
51634YPaper - HP Premium Inkjet Paper - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - 200 sheets
C1812APaper - Greeting card paper pack (White) - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - Includes 20 sheets and 20 envelopes
C6039APaper - HP Delux Advance Glossy Photo Paper 25 sheets of A size HP Advanced glossy photo paper
C6039ACPaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet 660 Series, DeskJet 420C, DeskJet 5550 Series, DeskJet 5600 Series
C6042APaper - Paper (Matte) for DeskJet D14XX Series, DeskJet D42XX Series, PhotoSmart 7350 Printer, PhotoSmart 7150 Printer
C6044APaper - HP Photo Greeting Cards (Glossy) - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - 10 scored half-fold glossy cards and envelopes
C6045APaper - HP Photo Greeting Cards (Glossy) - A4 size (21.0cm x 29.7cm) - 10 scored half-fold glossy cards and envelopes
C6817APaper - Brochure and flyer paper - Glossy on both sides - A size (8.5 x 11-inches), 98 brightness - 50 sheets
C6828APaper - Greeting card paper pack (Ivory, Matte) - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - Felt textured - Includes 20 sheets and 20 envelopes
C6829APaper - Paper (Textured) for PSC 2100 Series All in One, OfficeJet V40 Series, DeskJet 1280 Series, Color InkJet cp1700 Series
C6831APaper - HP Premium Plus Glossy Photo Paper - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - 20 sheets
C6832APaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet F4180 Series, HP Deskjet F4100 All-in-One printer series, DeskJet F4140 Series, DeskJet F4135 All-In-One
C6950APaper - Premium Plus Matte InkJet Photographic Paper - 8.5 x 11
C6955APaper - Professional Brochure and Flyer Paper (Matte) - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - 50 sheets
C6979APaper - Premium Photo Paper (Glossy) - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - 50 sheets
C6979ACPaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet 660 Series, DeskJet 420C, DeskJet 5550 Series, DeskJet 5600 Series
C7007APaper - Photo Quality InkJet Paper (Matte) - With two sided matte finish - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - 100 sheets
C7007ACPaper - Paper (Matte) for DeskJet 450 Series, Deskjet 460 Series, OfficeJet Pro K850 Series, DeskJet 3550 Series
C7018APaper - Photo Greeting Cards (White, Matte) - A size (8.5 x 11-inches), half fold, pre-scored - Includes 20 cards and 20 envelopes
C7020APaper - Scored Tri-fold Brochure Paper (Glossy) - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - 100 sheets
C7891APaper - Paper (Glossy) for OfficeJet 5110 Series All in One, PhotoSmart 230 Series, PhotoSmart 7260 Series, Photosmart 7200 Printer
C7896APaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet F4180 Series, HP Deskjet F4100 All-in-One printer series, DeskJet F4140 Series, DeskJet F4135 All-In-One
C7897APaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet F4140 Series, DeskJet F4135 All-In-One, DeskJet F4180 Series, HP Deskjet F4100 All-in-One printer series
CHP910Paper - HP Copy Paper - A4 size (21.0cm x 29.7cm) - 500 sheets
INP160300Paper - HP Advanced Paper - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - 500 sheets
INP160310Paper - HP Advanced Paper - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - 500 sheets
Q1785APaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet 1220 Series, DeskJet 1200 Series, DesignJet 1055 Series, DeskJet 640 Series
Q1787APaper - Linen Half-fold Greeting Card Paper (Ivory) - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - 20 cards
Q1788APaper - Linen Half-fold Greeting Card Paper (White) - A size (8.5 x 11-inches) - 20 cards
Q1977APaper - Paper (Glossy) for Deskjet 460 Series, OfficeJet Pro K550 Series, Business Inkjet 2800 Series, DeskJet 9800
Q1978APaper - Premium Plus Photo Paper (High Gloss) - 10.2cm (4in) x 15.2cm (6in), finished size - 10.2cm (4in) x 16.5cm (6.5in), with tab - 60 sheets
Q1988ACPaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet 660 Series, DeskJet 420C, DeskJet 5600 Series, OfficeJet K80 Series
Q1989APaper - Paper (Glossy) for PSC 1300 Series All in One, PSC 2300 Series, OfficeJet 6200 Series, OfficeJet 6210
Q1989ACPaper - Paper (Glossy) for PSC 1400 Series, OfficeJet 5610 Series, OfficeJet 5605 Series, OfficeJet 5615 Series
Q1990APaper - Paper (Glossy) for PhotoSmart 325 Series, PhotoSmart 375 Series, OfficeJet 5500 Series All-in-One, OfficeJet 5500 Series All in One
Q1993APaper - Paper (Matte) for DeskJet 1220 Series, DeskJet 1200 Series, DesignJet 1055 Series, Color InkJet cp1160 Series
Q1994APaper - Paper (Matte) for PSC 1400 Series, OfficeJet 5610 Series, OfficeJet 5605 Series, OfficeJet 5615 Series
Q2502APaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet 5600 Series, DeskJet 9600 Series, DeskJet 9800, DeskJet 5100 Series
Q2506APaper - Premium Plus Photo Paper (Satin Matte) - 10.2cm (4in) x 15.2cm (6in) finished size - 10.2cm (4in) x 16.5cm (6.5in) with tab - 60 sheets
Q2509APaper - Paper (Semi-Glossy) for DesignJet 130 Series, DeskJet 1220 Series, Business InkJet 2600 Series, DeskJet 450 Series
Q2509ACPaper - Paper (Semi-Glossy) for PSC 1300 Series All in One, PSC 2300 Series, PhotoSmart 130 Series, PSC 2100 Series All in One
Q2519APaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet D13XX Series, DeskJet D1311 Series, DeskJet F4180 Series, HP Deskjet F4100 All-in-One printer series
Q5431APaper - Paper (Satin) for PhotoSmart A310 Series, PhotoSmart D50XX Series, PhotoSmart A520 Series, HP Photosmart A820 series Compact Photo Printers
Q5433APaper - Paper (Satin) for Business Inkjet 2300 Series, Business InkJet 1100 Series, DeskJet 9600 Series, DeskJet 9300 Printer
Q5434APaper - Paper (Matte) for PSC 1300 Series All in One, PhotoSmart 2600 Series, Photosmart 2700 Series, OfficeJet 7200 Series
Q5440APaper - Paper (Semi-Glossy) for DeskJet 660 Series, DeskJet 300, DeskJet 5550 Series, DeskJet 640 Series
Q5440ACPaper - Paper (Semi-Glossy) for DeskJet 660 Series, DeskJet 300, DeskJet 5550 Series, DeskJet 640 Series
Q5443APaper - Paper (Matte) for Deskjet D1300 printer series, DeskJet D13XX Series, DeskJet D41XX Series, Deskjet D1341 Printer
Q5445APaper - Paper (Matte) for PhotoSmart C52XX Series, Photosmart C5200 Series All-in-One Printer Series, PhotoSmart D50XX Series, PSC 1400 Series
Q5450APaper - Paper (Matte) for DeskJet 5550 Series, DeskJet 5600 Series, OfficeJet K80 Series, DesignJet 100 Series
Q5451APaper - Paper (Glossy) for Photosmart 7400 Series, Photosmart 7450, PhotoSmart 8250 Series, PhotoSmart 8230 Series
Q5456APaper - HP Advanced Gloss Photo Paper 25 Sht
Q5458APaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet 300, DeskJet 640 Series, Designjet 30gp, DesignJet 130 Series
Q5477APaper - Paper (Glossy) for Photosmart 7700 Series Printer, PSC 2410 PhotoSmart Series, PSC 2500 PhotoSmart Series, PhotoSmart 8400 Series
Q5493APaper - Paper (Glossy) for Photosmart 7600 Series Printer, Photosmart 7600 Printer, PhotoSmart 7700 Printer, PhotoSmart 7700 Series Printer
Q5494APaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet 9300 Printer, DeskJet 450 Series, Deskjet 460 Series, DeskJet 9800
Q5498APaper - Paper (Glossy) for OfficeJet 4100 Series All in One, OfficeJet 6100 Series, Digital Copier Printer 410, PSC 1110 Series All in One
Q5499APaper - Paper (Matte) for OfficeJet 7300 Series All in One, OfficeJet 7400 Series All in One, OfficeJet 7200 Series, OFFICEJET 7205
Q5504APaper - Paper (Matte) for DeskJet 6620 Series, DeskJet 3600 series, DeskJet 3300 Series, DeskJet 3700 Series
Q5505APaper - Paper (Matte) for OfficeJet 4200 Series All in One, PhotoSmart 8750 Series, HP PSC 1300 Series All-In-One, PSC 1300 Series All in One
Q6565APaper - Paper (Glossy) for Photosmart C5200 Series All-in-One Printer Series, PhotoSmart C52XX Series, PhotoSmart D50XX Series, PhotoSmart A310 Series
Q6567APaper - Paper (Glossy) for HP Deskjet F300 All-in-One printer series, DeskJet F3XX Series, PSC 1400 Series All-In-One, PhotoSmart C52XX Series
Q6568APaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet 660 Series, DeskJet 300, DesignJet 1055 Series, DeskJet 5550 Series
Q6568ACPaper - Paper (Glossy) for PhotoSmart C52XX Series, Photosmart C5200 Series All-in-One Printer Series, PhotoSmart D50XX Series, PSC 1400 Series
Q6638ACPaper - Paper (Glossy) for Photosmart 475 series compact photo printer, PhotoSmart A510 Series, HP Photosmart A510 Printer series, PhotoSmart A430 Series
Q6639APaper - Paper (Glossy) for PSC 1400 Series, OfficeJet 5610 Series, OfficeJet 5605 Series, OfficeJet 5615 Series
Q7852APaper - HP Delux Advance Glossy Photo Paper 25 sheets of A size HP Advanced glossy photo paper
Q7852ACPaper - Paper (Glossy) for Deskjet D1341 Printer, DeskJet D13XX Series, DeskJet D1311 Series, DeskJet F4180 Series
Q7853APaper - Paper (Glossy) for Business Inkjet 1200 Series, OfficeJet Pro K550 Series, Business Inkjet 2800 Series, DeskJet 9800
Q7854APaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet D1311 Series, DeskJet F4180 Series, HP Deskjet F4100 All-in-One printer series, DeskJet F4140 Series
Q7867APaper - Paper (Glossy) for Color LaserJet 4730MFP Series, OfficeJet 6310 All-in-One, OfficeJet 6301 Series, OfficeJet 4315 Series
Q7871APaper - Paper (Glossy) for PSC 1300 Series All in One, Color LaserJet 2820 Series, OFFICEJET 7205, PSC 1600 Series
Q8008APaper - Paper (Photo) for DeskJet 6620 Series, HP DESKJET F2224 AIO PRINTER, DESKJET F735, PhotoSmart C42X0 Series
Q8027APaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet D41XX Series, DeskJet D23XX Series, PhotoSmart D6160 Series, DeskJet D13XX Series
Q8028APaper - Paper (Glossy) for DeskJet D41XX Series, DeskJet D23XX Series, PhotoSmart D6160 Series, DeskJet D13XX Series
CQ750A-PC_BRDPC Board - Ink cartridge carriage assembly pc board - includes carriage pc board only
CQ750A-PC_BRD_DCPC Board DC - Internal power supply board - power cable plugs on this assembly, remove covers to install pc board.
CQ750A-PinchwheelPinchwheel - Pinch assembly kit - includes all required pinch wheels, pinchwheel mounts and springs
8121-0891Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 2-wire, 17 AWG, 0.5m (1.6ft) long - Has straight (F) C7 receptacle (For 240V in China)
8121-0894Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 2-wire, 17 AWG, 0.5m (1.6ft) long - Has straight (F) C7 receptacle (For use in Thailand and Brazil, Opt. 961)
8121-0895Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 2-wire, 17 AWG, 0.5m (1.6ft) long - Has straight (F) C7 receptacle (For use in Europe, Opt. 954)
8121-0897Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 2-wire, 17 AWG, 0.5m (1.6ft) long - Has straight (F) C7 receptacle (For use in Korea, Opt. 958)
8121-1167Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 2-wire, 18 AWG, 0.5m (1.6ft) long - Has straight (F) C7 receptacle (For 240V in India, Opt. 960)
CQ750A-Power_CordPower Cord - Power module power cord- wall outlet cable to power module only. does not include power module.
CQ750A-Power_MDLEPower Module - World wide power module - includes power module and power module to printer cord - does not include outlet to power module cord
CQ750A-Power_MDLE_AssyPower Module Assy - World wide power module - includes power module and power module to printer cord - also, include outlet to power module cord
0957-2286Power Supply - Hewlett Packard Deskjet printer models Power Supply Unit.
0957-2290Power Supply - Agate 10W Power Supply(HV) - China India
CQ750A-Power_SupplyPower Supply - Power supply board (internal pwr supply unit in the office machine).
CQ750A-Print_MchnsmPrint Mechanism - Print mechanism assembly - complete mechanism with carriage movement, paper picking and service station - does not include covers, printer base, print heads, ink cartridges, or any consumables.
CQ750A-PulleyPulley - Paper pick up tray motor pulley.
CQ750A-Repair_InkJetRepair Service - Ship your product to us for a small diagnostic fee; and a professional service job. We will contact you with repair total and your diagnostic fee will be waived if unit is repaired. Service warranty is 30days labor and 90days for parts. Extended warranty option is available.
CQ750A-Rod_CarriageRod Carriage - Carriage rod - shaft that the carriage assembly rides on
CQ750A-Rod_ScannerRod Scanner - Scanner rod - shaft that the scanner assembly rides on
CQ750A-Roller_ADFRoller ADF - Feeder ADF roller for picking up paper from ADF unit.
CQ750A-Roller_PickupRoller Pickup - Pick up roller assembly for paper bottom tray. Lower feed roller assembly - for lower paper input tray HP Envy Main Tray Paper Pick Up Roller 5540 5640 7155 7640 7645 Officejet 5740
CQ750A-ScannerScanner - Copier scanner (optical) assembly - includes scanner assembly only scanner lens assembly (includes the charge coupled device (ccd)) the scanning lamp ADF analog processor board and ADF inverter board - major portion of the ADF main assembly.
CQ750A-Scanner_AssyScanner Assembly - Copier scanner & glass assembly - includes the chassis assembly scanner lens assembly (includes the charge coupled device (ccd)) the scanning lamp ADF analog processor board and ADF inverter board - major portion of the ADF main assembly.
CQ750A-Scanner_BeltScanner Belt - Scanner belt attaches from the scanner to the scanner motor.
CQ750A-Scanner_CableScanner Cable - Flex circuit cable which connects to the scanner assembly. also known as flat cable, this cable moves along with the scanner unit (side to side) as it scans documents.
CQ750A-Scanner_UnitScanner Unit - Scanner unit includes the entire scanner base but not the ADF portion.
CQ750A-Sensor_ADFSensor ADF - Photo-sensor assembly - includes the sensor and mounting bracket - paper pickup roller home position sensor - activated by the sensor flag on the pickup roller assembly - mounts on the front frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
CQ750A-Sensor_OutSensor Out - OOPS sensor - out of paper sensor - detects the presence of the paper in the printer tray
CQ750A-Sensor_SpotSensor Spot - Spot sensor assembly is attached to the carriage assembly.
CQ750A-SeparatorSeparator - Pad separator - assembled from plastic and rubber components; to help in separating sheet of media during printing from bottom trays.
CQ750A-GuideService Guide - Printer Reference Guide (not a service manual) - Contains information such as product information, operation overview, paper behavior, maintenance, ink safety, and removal / replacement of parts. This is not a service manual for technical repair.
CQ750A-Service_StationService Station - Service station assembly - for conditioning the printheads when the carriage is in its home position
CQ750A-SLED_AssySLED Assembly - Sled assembly - white plastic piece with spring, wipers and boot (assembly that the ink cartridge parks on) - mounts on top of the service station assembly
CQ750A-SliderSlider - Carriage base slider - plastic piece on the front end of the carriage that allows the carriage to slide side to side.
CQ750A-SpeakerSpeaker - Speaker assembly - includes speaker cable.
CQ750A-SpittonSpitton - Spittoon base - the bottom and main housing of the service station assembly - holds any residual ink from the print cartridge cleaning process
CQ750A-Spring_CmprsnSpring Compression - Compression spring - on pulley wedge for carriage belt tension
Q6625AStickers - HP Printable iPod Tattoos - 14.0cm (5.5in) x 21.6cm (8.5in) - 10 sheets
CQ750A-Trailing_CblTrailing Cable - Trailing cable for scanner - cable connects from scanner to pc board.
CQ750A-Tray_AssyTray Assembly - Paper input tray assembly for loading paper (bottom).
CQ750A-Tray_Assy_CVRTray Assembly Cover - Tray cover - the top cover for the paper pick up tray unit.
CQ750A-Tray_BaseTray Base - Tray base- bottom base of the paper input tray.
CQ750A-WindowWindow - Top/front access door assembly - print cartridge access door window.