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CZ249A Color LaserJet enterprise mfp m680f

HP Color LaserJet enterprise mfp m680f (CZ249A)

MFG Part Number: CZ249A

HP parts list for CZ249A HP Color LaserJet enterprise mfp m680f

RC2-4055-000CN Arm - Door link supporting right arm
RM1-5585-000CN Arm - Shutter front arm - Mounts on the shutter assembly
RM1-5586-000CN Arm - Shutter rear arm - Mounts on the shutter assembly
CC493-67909 Belt - Intermediate transfer belt (ITB) kit - Includes belt and roller
CC493-67909-BU Belt - Maint Intermediate Transfer Belt Kit
CC493-69007 Belt - Intermediate Transfer Belt Kit
CC493-69008 Belt - Intermediate Transfer Belt PM Kit
RM1-5575-000CN Belt - HP Intermediate Transfer Belt Kit-Intermediate Assembly Compatible with HP Color Laserjet CP4025 CP4525 M651 M680 M651 and other series.
RY7-5212-000CN Belt - Kit-Intermediate Transfer Belt
CZ248-67912 Bezel - Output Bin Bezel assembly
RC2-4470-000CN Bushing - Bushing - Mounts on the grounding spring on the lifter base assembly
RC2-9719-000CN Bushing - Bushing for HP CC419A
RM2-0402-000CN Button - Switch button assembly
CZ248-67904 Cabinet - 1x500-sheet paper feeder - With cabinet kit
5851-4851 Cable - Cable HDD Sata CRACR
RC2-4468-000CN Cable - Guide Cable
RK2-5070-000CN Cable - Cable Flexible Flat
RK2-5072-000CN Cable - Cable Flexible Flat H.V.T.
RM1-5497-010CN Cable - Cooling fan - Provides air to the cartridge area
RM1-5724-000CN Cable - High voltage power supply cable assembly
RM1-5799-000CN Cable - Connecting cable assembly - Connects the developing disengagement motor connector (J38), laser driver PCA connector (J72), developing disengagement sensor connector (J87) to the DC controller PC board and the high-voltage power supply PC board
RM1-5803-000CN Cable - Duplexing cable assembly - Connects to the reverse motor, duplex reverse solenoid and the upper high voltage power supply PCB
RM1-5804-000CN Cable - Feed cable assembly - Connects the pick-up motor drive assembly to the DC controller PCB
RM1-5807-000CN Cable - Switch cable assembly - Connects the (J43) right door switch to the connector (J147) on the DC controller PCB
RM1-5815-000CN Cable - Sensor cable assembly - Tray media feed sensor
RM1-5821-000CN Cable - Cooling fan - Provides air to the cartridge area
RM2-0393-000CN Cable - Flexible Flat Cable Assy
WT2-5812-000CN Clip - Cable clip - `C` shaped white plastic clip
VS1-7500-008CN Connector - Connector (8-pin)
5851-5952 Control Panel - Control panel assembly - Without keyboard
5851-6632 Control Panel - Assembly-Control Panel X
A2W76-60104 Control Panel - Control panel assembly - Without keyboard. CNTRL PNL ASSE W/O KEYBRD
CZ248-67917 Control Panel - Kit-Control Panel M680 M880 M830 X585
5042-9118 Cover - Control panel access cover
5851-5360 Cover - USB plastic cover
5851-5361 Cover - Hardware Integration Pocket (HIP) cover
CC355-40013 Cover - ADF Roller bogie cover
RC2-3981-000CN Cover - Inner cover - Mounts on the right lower part of the main chassis
RC2-4403-000CN Cover - Inner chassis cover - Mounts on the top side of the main chassis
RC2-4467-000CN Cover - Cassette rail cover
RC2-4662-000CN Cover - High voltage cover
RC2-4664-000CN Cover - Duplexing gear cover
RC2-4747-000CN Cover - Multi-purpose/tray 1 crossmenmer rear cover
RC2-5962-000CN Cover - Cover for HP Color LaserJet CP3525
RC2-9189-000CN Cover - Multi-purpose/tray 1 crossmenmer front cover
RC3-5499-000CN Cover - 1x500-sheet paper feeder with cabinet left cover
RC3-5514-000CN Cover - 1x500-sheet paper feeder with cabinet front lower cover
RC3-5515-000CN Cover - 1x500-sheet paper feeder with cabinet left lower cover
RC3-5520-000CN Cover - 1x500-sheet paper feeder with cabinet right front cover
RC3-5523-000CN Cover - 1x500-sheet paper feeder with cabinet rear cover
RC3-5524-000CN Cover - 1x500-sheet paper feeder with cabinet rear cover
RC3-5525-000CN Cover - 1x500-sheet paper feeder with cabinet right rear cover
RC3-5526-000CN Cover - 1x500-sheet paper feeder with cabinet right lower cover
RC3-5527-000CN Cover - 1x500-sheet paper feeder with cabinet right center cover
RC3-5551-000CN Cover - Right front cover - Plastic cover that protects the right front side of the printer
RC3-5582-000CN Cover - Cover Right Front Upper
RC3-5593-000CN Cover - Cover, Fan
RC3-5628-000CN Cover - Right rear cover - Plastic cover that protects the right rear side of the printer main body
RC3-5629-000CN Cover - Left cover assembly - Plastic cover that protects the left side of the printer main body
RC3-5630-000CN Cover - Roller cover - Plastic cover that protects the tray 1 pick-up roller
RC3-5632-000CN Cover - Rear left cover - Plastic cover that protects the rear left side of the printer main body
RL1-3976-000CN Cover - Iptu Inner Cover R Assy
RM1-5520-000CN Cover - Inner cover assembly - Plastic cover that mounts behind the right door assembly
RM1-5598-000CN Cover - Front inner lower cover assembly
RM1-6695-000CN Cover - Cable cover assembly - Mounts on the registration assembly
RM2-0205-000CN Cover - Rear Cover Assy
RM2-0206-000CN Cover - Intermediate Cover Assy
RM2-0210-000CN Cover - Right handle cover assembly
RM2-0215-000CN Cover - Tray Cover Assy
RM2-0219-000CN Cover - Front inner upper cover - Cover that screws to the main printer chassis
RM2-0364-000CN Cover - 2,500-sheet paper feeder high capacity input (HCI) front upper cover assembly
RM2-0500-000CN Cover - Rear pre-exposure cover assembly
RM1-5615-000CN Delivery - Paper delivery assembly
RM1-5615-010CN Delivery - Paper Delivery Assy
CZ248-67916 Document Feeder - ADF Assembly Automatic Document Feeder Assembly (Complete) for HP Enterprise Multifunction M680 series and alternate models.
RM2-0200-000CN Door - Front door assembly
RM2-0208-000CN Door - Right door assembly for Printer Right Door for HP M651 M680dn M608f M651n M651xh M651dnm M680dnm M651xhm and similar units.
RM2-0208-010CN Door - Right Door Assy for Printer Right Door for HP M651 M680dn M608f M651n M651xh M651dnm M680dnm M651xhm and similar units.
RM2-0368-000CN Door - 1x500-sheet paper feeder with cabinet right door assembly
RM2-0369-000CN Door - 1x500-sheet paper feeder with cabinet stock box door assembly
CC493-67915 Drive Assembly - Main gear drive assembly
CZ248-67907 Drive Assembly - 320GB hard disk drive replacement kit
RM1-4973-000CN Drive Assembly - Duplexing drive assembly
RM1-5555-010CN Drive Assembly - Kit-Main Drive Assembly
RM1-5656-000CN Drive Assembly - Fusing drive assembly - Include fusing motor (M2) duplex capability. (for Simplex order RM1-5001-030CN).
RM1-5656-010CN Drive Assembly - Fusing drive assembly - Include fusing motor (M2) duplex capability. (for Simplex order RM1-5001-030CN).
RM1-5934-000CN Drive Assembly - 1 X 500-sheet paper feeder pick-up drive assembly
RM2-0385-000CN Drive Assembly - Paper pickup drive assembly
RM1-5519-000CN Duct - Waste toner duct assembly
5851-6083 Fan - SCB Fan assy kit
RK2-2418-000CN Fan - Cartridge area cooling fan (FM2) Fuser area cooling fan (FM4)
RK2-2575-000CN Fan - Exhaust fan (FM3) - Located around the delivery assembly
RK2-2577-000CN Fan - Power supply fan (FM1) - Provides air to the power supply area - Located around the power supply unit
RM2-0213-000CN Fan - Cartridge fan assy
RM1-5157-000CN Flapper - Flapper assembly - For the stapler stacker multi-bin mailbox
5851-6084 Foam - Document feeder foam reflector - For the X585 models
CZ248-67906 Formatter - Formatter Replacement Kit - China only
CC493-67911 Fuser Assembly - Fuser assembly - For 110 VAC - Bonds toner to paper with heat
CC493-67912 Fuser Assembly - Fuser assembly - For 220 VAC - Bonds toner to paper with heat
CC493-69005 Fuser Assembly - Fusing assembly - For 110 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
CC493-69009 Fuser Assembly - 110V Fuser Kit HP Color LaserJet Fuser 110V CP4025 CP4525 CM4540 M651 M680
RM1-5654-000CN Fuser Assembly - Fuser assembly - For 110 VAC - Bonds toner to paper with heat
RC3-5625-000CN Grip - Left front grip
RC3-5626-000CN Grip - Left rear grip
RC2-4527-000CN Guide - Paper guide - Mounts behind the secondary transfer assembly
RC2-4632-000CN Guide - Interlock cable guide
RC2-4741-000CN Guide - Option cassette guide - Mounts on the paper pick-up assembly
RM1-5153-000CN Guide - Flapper Guide Assy
RM1-5486-000CN Guide - Lower cartridge guide assembly
RM1-5492-000CN Guide - Front scanner guide assembly
RM1-5504-000CN Guide - Cassette guide assembly
5851-5022 Hardware - E-Duplex selector assembly - For the X585 flow models only
B4A39-60008 Hinge - Document feeder hinge assembly
RM1-5616-000CN Hinge - Left scissors hinge assembly
RM2-5771-000CN Hinge - Right Scissors Hinge Assy
RM2-5771-010CN Hinge - Right Scissors Hinge Assy
RC2-4369-000CN Holder - Sensor holder - Plastic holder that holds the fuser pressure release sensor (SR7)
RC2-4665-000CN Holder - Exhaust fan (FM3) holder
RC2-5625-000CN Holder - Connector holder
RM1-5638-000CN Holder - Tag holder assembly
RM1-6694-000CN Holder - High voltage power supply holder assembly
5851-5462 Keyboard - Keyboard kit - For use with the LaserJet M630z M880z M680 X585 and other HP models.
5851-6430 Keyboard - Keyboard kit - For use with the LaserJet M630z M880z M680 X585 and other HP models.
5851-6431 Keyboard - Keyboard kit - For use with the LaserJet M630z (UK English)
RC2-3983-030CN Lever - Cartridge pressure front lever
RC2-4415-000CN Lever - Shutter lever for HP Color LaserJet CP3525
RM1-5913-000CN Lifter - Lifter base assembly
RM1-5914-000CN Lifter - Lifter assembly - One required for each cassette
RC2-4726-000CN Link - Right door link
RC2-3986-000CN Lock - Lever cartridge lock - Mounts on the toner remain PCA assembly
CC493-67910 Maintenance Kit - Maintenance transfer kit - Includes ITB transfer roller tray 1 pick-up roller and feed and separation rollers for trays 2 3 4 and 5
CE249-67909-BU Maintenance Kit - Intermdt trnsfr blt(ITB)kit -belt+rollr
RM2-0216-000CN Media - Intermediate Paper Feed Assy
A2W77-67912 Memory - 1GB memory DIMM assembly kit
RK2-2415-000CN Motor - Development disengagement stepping DC motor (M10) - Disengages the developer from the primary charge roller
RK2-5053-000CN Motor - Paper pickup motor (13) - Provides power for paper pickup drive assembly
RK2-5085-000CN Motor - DC motor (M2)
RM1-4983-000CN Motor - Fuser motor (M2) assembly - Drives the fuser sleeve, pressure Roller, fuser pressure Roller, and primary transfer Roller disengagement
RM1-5521-010CN Motor - Main drive motor assembly
RM1-5605-010CN Motor - Residual toner feed motor assembly
RM1-5777-000CN Motor - ITB motor (M1) assembly - Drives the ITB and residual toner feed screw
5851-4998 Mylar - ADF mylar kit - Only two guides are required for the product - Contains one mylar guide per kit - A4 size
7121-8541 NamePlate - HP logo (35mm cupped jewel)
RL1-1937-000CN Pad - Multi-purpose/tray 1 separation pad
A2W77-67910 PC Board - Fax card replacement kit - For the Color LaserJet M880
CZ248-67901 PC Board - Formatter Replacement Kit
CZ248-67914 PC Board - HP Scanner Control Board for CLJ Ent M680 Series. Scan Control PCA
RM1-5771-000CN PC Board - Toner remain PCA assembly
RM1-5853-000CN PC Board - Paper sensor PCA assembly - Cassette paper pick-up sensor - Connects to the DC controller PCA
RM2-0220-000CN PC Board - Inner Conecting Pcb Assy
RM2-0474-000CN PC Board - Iptu Driver Pcb Assy
RM2-0498-000CN PC Board - DC controller PC board assembly
RM2-0498-010CN PC Board - DC controller PC board assembly
RM2-0501-000CN PC Board - Feeder PC board assembly
RM1-5919-000CN Pickup Assembly - Paper pick-up assembly - For the 1x500-sheet paper cassette feeder
RM2-0341-000CN Pickup Assembly - 1x500-sheet paper feeder paper pickup assembly
CZ248-00029 Plate - M680 Enterprise Nameplate
RM2-0460-000CN Power Supply - Lower high-voltage power supply PCA assembly
RM2-0462-000CN Power Supply - Upper high-voltage power supply PCA assembly
RM2-0464-000CN Power Supply - Low-voltage power supply PC board assembly - For 110-127 VAC
RM2-0466-000CN Power Supply - Low-voltage power supply PC board assembly - For 220-240 VAC
RM1-6195-000CN Rail - Right rail assembly - For the 2, 3, 4, and 5 paper tray cassette
RM1-6196-000CN Rail - Left rail assembly - For the 2, 3, 4, and 5 paper tray cassette
CZ249A-Repair_LaserJet Repair Service - Ship your product to us for a small diagnostic fee; and a professional service job. We will contact you with repair total and your diagnostic fee will be waived if unit is repaired. Service warranty is 30days labor and 90days for parts. Extended warranty option is available.
CC493-67913 Reservoir - Waste toner reservoir unit
CE265-67913-BU Reservoir - Waste toner reservoir unit
RC2-4218-000CN Reservoir - Tray 1 waste toner reservoir assembly
CC493-67906 Roller - Paper pick-up roller (D-shaped roller) - Picks media from paper input tray 1
CC493-67907 Roller - Feed and separation roller kit - Each kit includes one feed and one separation roller - Use with tray 2, 3, 4, and 5
CZ255-67904 Roller - Registration roller assembly
L2725-60002 Roller - ADF Roller replacement kit roller Replacement Kit 100 (Adf)
RM1-5525-000CN Roller - Paper feed roller assembly - Mounts on the right door assembly
RM1-5564-040CN Roller - Secondary transfer roller assembly HP SECONDARY TRANSFER ASSY-DUPLEX-FOR COLOR LASERJET CP4025/CP4525/CM45 and similar models.
RM2-5642-000CN Roller - Paper Feed Roller Assy
RM2-5781-000CN Roller - Kit-Tray 1 Roller
RM2-6046-000CN Roller - Paper Pick Up Roller
RY7-5220-000CN Roller - Tray2-5 Feed Separation rollers kit
CZ248-67913 Scanner - Laser/scanner assembly
CZ248-67915 Scanner Assembly - HP Color Laserjet Ent Flow Managed and similar models M680 M651 Assembly - Image Scanner Complete
RC3-0912-000CN Screw - Screw Stepped
XA9-1671-000CN Screw - Screw - M3 X 8mm long
RM1-5604-000CN Sensor - Primary-transfer-roller disengagement sensor - For the 3 x 500-sheet paper tray 5 feeder only
RM1-5604-010CN Sensor - Position Detect Assy
RM1-5641-000CN Sensor - Density detect sensor assembly
RM2-0397-000CN Sensor - Residual toner full sensor - Advice that the residual toner container is full
WG8-5935-000CN Sensor - Fuser Output sensor (SR5)
CZ249A-Manual_Color Service Manual - Printer Service Manual - Includes troubleshooting, error messages, paper jams, parts and parts diagrams.
RC2-4162-000CN Shaft - Shaft, support
RM1-5488-000CN Shutter - Shutter for HP CC419A
RM1-5488-010CN Shutter - Assy-Shutter
RM1-5489-000CN Shutter - Shutter for HP CC419A
RM1-5489-010CN Shutter - Shutter Assy
RC2-4514-000CN Spacer - Mounts on the left lower part of the main chassis
5851-4879 Spring - ADF separation pad spring
RC2-4469-000CN Spring - Grounding spring
RC2-4645-000CN Spring - Torsion spring for HP CC419A
RU6-2235-000CN Spring - Ru6-2235-000cn
RU6-2236-000CN Spring - Torsion spring - Provides torsion to the cartridge pressure front lever
RU6-2237-000CN Spring - Ground spring - Mounts on the cartridge pressure front lever
RU6-2247-000CN Spring - Torsion spring - Provides torsion to the cartridge lock lever
RU6-2316-000CN Spring - Compression spring - Provides pressure to the shutter lever
RU6-2468-000CN Spring - Tension spring - Provides tension to the lifter assembly
RU7-2192-000CN Spring - Tension spring - Provides tension to the cartridge pressure front lever
RC2-4642-000CN Stand - Stand, Scissors Hinge, Left
RC2-4646-000CN Stand - Stand, Scissors Hinge, Right
RM1-5502-000CN Support - Contact support - Mounts next to the power supply fan (FM1)
RM1-5496-000CN Switch - Power switch assembly
RM2-0386-000CN Switch - Main switch assembly
WC2-5637-000CN Switch - Push switch - Right cartridge door open switch (SW6)
WC4-5303-000CN Switch - Tray 3 paper size switch (SW2) - For the 3 x 500-sheet paper feeder only
CC493-67908 Transfer Assembly - Secondary transfer roller assembly - Long black spongy roller that transfers charge to paper for HP color laser printers.
RM2-0399-000CN Transfer Assembly - Residual toner transfer assembly
RM2-0214-000CN Tray - Left Paper Delivery Tray Assy
RM2-0340-000CN Tray - 1x500-sheet paper feeder tray cassette

Color LaserJet enterprise mfp m680f parts list
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