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G3Q74A LaserJet Pro MFP M227sdn

HP LaserJet Pro MFP M227sdn (G3Q74A)

MFG Part Number: G3Q74A

HP parts list for G3Q74A HP LaserJet Pro MFP M227sdn

G3Q74-60001 Accessory - PCA-Formatter HP LaserJet M227d/ M227sdn/ M227fdn/ M227fdw Mainboard/ Formatter Board/ Logic Board/Main Board
G3Q74-60101 Accessory - Assy-Control Panel 3 in 1 Network
RK2-7601-000CN Accessory - Solenoid
RL2-1661-000CN Accessory - Button, Switch
RM2-0815-010CN Accessory - Fixing Film Ass'Y (220-240v)
RM2-0836-000CN Accessory - Fixing Ass'Y
RM2-0836-010CN Accessory - Fixing Ass'Y (220-240v)
RM2-1180-000CN Accessory - Assy-Top Cover Assy-Top Cover RM2-1180-000CN HP Pro MFP M130fw HP Pro MFP M227fdw HP LaserJet Pro MFP M227fdn HP Pro MFP M130fn
RM2-1182-000CN Accessory - Hinge Ass'Y
RM2-2231-000CN Accessory - Fixing Ass'Y (220-240v)
RM2-2233-000CN Accessory - Fixing Ass'Y (220-240v)
RM2-8273-000CN Accessory - Power Switch Pcb Ass'Y
RM2-0806-000CN ADF - Fixing Ass'Y 220v
RM2-1183-000CN ADF - Adf Base Ass'Y
RM2-1184-000CN ADF - Assy-Adf Core HP LaserJet M230 M227 M132 M129 M130 M134 ADF Core Assembly
RM2-1187-000CN Arm - Assembly Pre-Pick Arm kit assembly with ADF roller Pad and feed roller. HP M101 M102 M103 M104 M106 M129 M130 M131 M132 m133 other compatible units.
286496-019 Cable - (AAC, AB2) 220V - 10A China
8121-0868 Cable - Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface cable (Black) - Type 'A' connector to type 'B' connector - 1.83m (6.0ft) long
8121-1585 Cable - Cable Assy Usb A-B 1.5-M-Lg Black Cable Premium USB A-B Printer Cable Cord For HP printers and other manufacturers.
0960-3662 Card - Wi-Fi board (Ulysses) HP Wi-Fi Module for Color LaserJet M254 / M154 / M181 Printer LaserJet Pro M102w M101W M106W M104W M203DW M130FW M227FDW
RM2-1188-000CN Carriage - ASSY CARRIAGE_4in1
RM2-6987-000CN Carriage - ASSY CARRIAGE_3in1
CF232-67901 Cartridge - Imaging drum (OPC)
RM2-8334-000CN Control Panel - Engine Control Pcb Assembly
RM2-8334-010CN Control Panel - Assy - Engine Control PCB
RM2-8334-030CN Control Panel - Engine Control Pcb Ass'Y
RM2-0809-000CN Door - Duplexing Door Ass'Y
RK2-1378-010CN Fan - Fan
RM2-1179-000CN Feeder - ASSY-AUTO DOCUMENT FEEDER (Bamboo) Assembly Pre-Pick Arm kit assembly with ADF roller Pad and feed roller. HP M101 M102 M103 M104 M106 M129 M130 M131 M132 m133 other compatible units.
RM2-2086-000CN Feeder - Duplexing Paper Feed Ass'Y
RM2-0815-000CN Film - Fixing Film Ass'Y
RM2-1181-000CN Input Assembly - Assy-Input Tray
RM2-6911-000CN Laser Scanner - Laser Scanner Ass'Y
RM2-6983-000CN Laser Scanner - Assy-Scanner (3:1)
RM2-6989-000CN Laser Scanner - Assy-Scanner (4:1)
RM2-8351-000CN Motor - Motor Pcb Ass'Y
RM2-0812-000CN Pad - Assy - Separation Pad Holder
RL1-2593-000CN Pickup Assembly - Multipurpose/tray 1 Paper pick-up roller assembly
RM2-1185-000CN Plate - Sheet Plate Ass'Y
100613-016 Power Cord - CORD, PWR,AC LINE,C13-UK,1.5m
100614-011 Power Cord - Cord, Pwr,Ac Line,C13-Europe,1
100661-016 Power Cord - CORD, PWR,AC LINE,C13-AUSTRALIA,1.5m
121565-016 Power Cord - Cord, Pwr,Ac Line,C13-Nema,1.5m
187487-008 Power Cord - CORD, PWR,AC LINE,C13-S.AFRICA,1.5m
285052-009 Power Cord - CORD, PWR,AC LINE,C13-THAILAND,1.5m
393312-005 Power Cord - CORD, PWR,AC LINE,C13-TAIWAN,1.5m
403440-003 Power Cord - CORD, PWR,AC LINE,C13-INDIA,1.5m
8121-0731 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (75in) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220V in Europe)Limited supply only.
8121-0739 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 240V in Singapore, Hong Kong and the U.K.)
8121-0740 Power Cord - Power cord (Black) - 3-wire, 18 AWG, 1.9m (75in) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (for 120V in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Taiwan)
RM2-0841-000CN Power Supply - L.V. Power Supply Pcb Ass'Y
RM2-0842-000CN Power Supply - L.V. Power Supply Pcb Ass'Y
G3Q74-67018 Product - Product-Replacement 220V M227sdn EMEA
G3Q74-67902 Product - Product-Replacement 220V M227sdn AP
G3Q74-67903 Product - Product-Replacement 220V M227sdn AB2/AAC
G3Q74-69002 Product - Product-Exchange 220V M227sdn AP
G3Q74-69003 Product - Product-Exchange 220V M227sdn AB2/AAC
G3Q74-69004 Product - Product-Exchange 220V M227sdn EMEA
RM2-8377-000CN Sensor - Paper Pick-Up Sensor Pcb Ass'Y
130627-010 Service Parts - Cord, Pwr,Ac Line,C13-Denmark
150304-010 Service Parts - Cord, Pwr,Ac Line,C13-Swiss,1.
398062-007 Service Parts - Cord, Pwr,Ac Line,C13-Israel,1
RM2-0843-000CN Transfer Assembly - Transfer Ass'Y
RM2-1660-000CN Transfer Assembly - Transfer Roller Ass'Y

LaserJet Pro MFP M227sdn parts list
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